Since late 2018, Gary Crawford has been following a vision of Christ's increasing Lordship over the region. Each person's region is different, as it should be. But, beginning with the servants of the Lord (those that are carrying something on behalf of Jesus for the Kingdom of God and His people), Gary has been calling leaders together. Over the last number of years an increasing number of wonderful servants of the Lord have linked up in arms walking into this vision.
Honor: Starting with a call to honor each other's journey in Christ. Every step, yes, that a person has said to Christ deserves to be honored. Our journeys are not over yet. We should celebrate the progress and encourage each other to take the next step of faith. For too long we have dishonored and been dishonored by each other and even by those from within our own communities. This must stop. Healing from these hurts must begin. Giving and receiving justified honor is the healing path His people must walk.
Unity: The next step is a God centered unity. Not a unity of conformity or uniformity, but a unity built around Him receiving the reward of His sufferings. That His will would manifest in His world, in our communities of faith, and in His ministry. That He would receive the glory and Him alone!
Authority: The effect of leaders walking in humility before God and with each other will release demonstrations of His divine purposes in and through our lives. His leadership will manifest in this world. For He is ready to punish all disobedience when our obedience is fulfilled, 11 Corinthians 10.6.
What do the initial steps toward this vision look like? Find a location of a gathering or event near you by joining us.